Legal notices
Filer identification number
This site is the website of SAS LOCABRI - 224 rue du Général de Gaulle - Parc d'Activités des Ronzières - 69530 BRIGNAIS
The information contained in this site is subject to French law and is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, neither explicit nor implied.
As such, the information herein may contain technical inaccuracies or typographic errors. The information herein is not legally binding and may be modified without notice.
All contents, pages, scripts, icons, or sounds of this site are the exclusive property of SAS Locabri, or used with the authorisation of their owner, and are reserved under copyright and as intellectual property for the whole world..
Any production, reproduction or representation of this site, in whole or in part (text, sound, or images), on any medium whatsoever is prohibited, except for the media explicitly mentioned.
Failure to comply with this prohibition will constitute an infringement that may incur the infringing party's civil and criminal liability.
The user of this site formally agrees that under no circumstances will SAS Locabri be liable for any form of direct or indirect, tangible, intangible or specific damage as a result of viewing and/or using this internet site and other linked sites, as the use of text, sound or visual information which may have been gathered and in particular for any financial or commercial injury, loss of programs or data in the user's information system or any other form of loss.
Information technology freedom
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, this site has been the subject of a prior declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) (National Commission for Information Technology and Freedom).
All mail must be addressed to LOCABRI.
Technical desgin and graphic production
Graphic design : agence PumpUp -
Project Development and Management : agence PumpUp -
The term "building" is used for the proper understanding of the activity of Locabri. These are removable modular structures constituting buildings.
Photo credits : Locabri, Philippe Théry, Clan d'Oeil